Advice to My Teen-Aged Sons
Bill and Joe,
“Dad, please tell me you
are not going to lecture us yet again on blah blah blah!”
Everyone hates to be
lectured. You cannot deal with the ideas
of a lecture at your own pace – the lecturer forces the pace on you. So the trick is just to pay enough attention
to be able nod at the appropriate times, but otherwise sing a song to yourself
until it’s over. Am I right? Reading, on the other hand, allows you to
digest some ideas at your own pace.
Hence this little memorandum for your consideration.
“Dad, what the heck are
you talking about?”
Each of you is on the
cusp of big changes as you enter high school, and you are going to have to make
a lot of decisions that will have a big impact to you over the next four years
and beyond. Most of your prior decisions
in your life didn’t carry with them any real lasting impact. That is about to change.
“OK, we get it, lots of
tough decisions coming our way, can we stop reading now?”
Well, you can, but before
you do you have to realize that while some decisions will be obvious, most of
the big decisions don’t present themselves as decisions. If your buddy at school says to you, “hey,
you and I are cool guys, let’s go get some beer, drink it all, and then drive
home,” this presents to you a very obvious decision point. Less obvious is the more repeated innocuous
(look it up!) version of something similar – “hey, do you want to hang out?”
“So, whether or not to
hang out with my friends is a big decision?
Wow Dad, just Wow!”
In and of itself on any
given day it is not a big decision at all, but cumulatively over the next four
years it could be huge. You have
approximately 35,000 hours to live in the next four years. If you sleep eight hours a day … well,
knowing you guys, let’s make that 9.5 hours a day, then you have 21,170 hours
of awake time over the next four years.
Subtract the time you spend in school and we get about 15,822
hours. That amounts to about 76 hours
per week, but of course in the summers you’ll have more than that, and during
the school year less.
“Great dad, way to
demonstrate your simple math abilities.
Is the point of this that you don’t want us to spend 76 hours per week
bumming around with our buddies?”
Well, that’s up to
you. It’s your decision. Not really, but let’s pretend that it
is. It’s time for me to introduce a
little economics into the equation.
Decision making in economics is about trade-offs. For example, if I buy a new TV, I won’t have
money to go to Cancun for Spring Break.
I cannot do both, and so I have to choose where to spend my money based
on what I prefer more. Time is like
money – you only have so much of it, and you cannot do two things at once.
“But Dad, look at me, I
can walk and chew gum at the same time.”
I can’t look at you – you
are reading this, so stop trying to be funny.
Now where was I? Time is scarce,
and doing one thing precludes other options, so you have to start thinking of
how you spend your time as a decision that has lasting implications. Time is like money in another way – in
general you have two ways to spend it.
With money, you can either spend it on what economists call consumption
goods, or you can invest it. A
consumption good is anything that you want, that brings you pleasure. It could be a new video game, a trip to the
movies, even travel. An investment is
different. In general, you don’t get
pleasure out of making an investment, because the purpose of the investment is
to make more money down the line, allowing you to spend more money on the
things you want – i.e. consumption. So,
as an example that has nothing to do with Texas, you could decide to take $20,
go to the movies, and laugh at stupid Will Ferrell jokes while choking on your
popcorn, or you could invest that $20 in a snow shovel. Having the snow shovel enables you to make
money shoveling walks on snow days.
Maybe one good day will net you $100.
The investment results in a recovery of the initial cost, plus $80
additional dollars that allows you to go to the Will Ferrell movie and still
have $60 left over. So when you invest,
you give up something you would otherwise want today, in exchange for getting
more things you want in the future. If
you don’t invest, you won’t have as much to spend in the future.
“Can’t I just ask you for
the money and not worry about shoveling snow?”
No. You can’t.
But forget about money,
let’s get back to time. Or more
precisely, let’s talk about how the two relate.
At your age, you have very little money, but you have lots and lots of
time. Time with no money is like having a good looking girlfriend who is sick
all the time –it’s nice to have, but there are limits to how much fun it
affords. Just like with money, you have
two options with your time – you can spend it doing things that are fun, or you
can invest it. An investment of your
time doesn’t give you more time tomorrow, but it does give you either more
money or more time doing something you really want to do.
“Dad, the fact that I am
nodding agreement is really just a way of trying to make you feel like you are
making sense right now, but you are all “consumption this and investment
Yeah, I get it. Hazzards of having an economist as a
dad. Let’s talk about some concrete
examples. Playing video games, or just
hanging out with your friends – these things are like consumption
spending. They are fun while they last,
but there is no later payoff to these activities, so as compared to investing
your time, they come at a cost. Namely,
by not investing that time, when tomorrow rolls around, you have less money to
spend, or you otherwise lose out on something you want. Forget about money and let’s talk about how
investing or consuming your time effects how your future opportunities are
For example, if you want
to make the high school basketball team, what you are saying is that when the
season rolls around, you want the coach to pick you and then you can
participate in all of the practices and games over the three-month season. Your goal involves a decision to spend a lot
of time during the season dedicated to basketball. If you don’t make the team, you won’t have
access to the gym, the coaching, and the teammates to scrimmage with, and
you’ll be left with lots of time on your hands that you would rather be using
to play basketball. Now, in the months
prior to the season, your time allocation decisions will affect your prospects
for making the team – if you goof around and don’t practice, you won’t make the
team. If you invest your time in getting
better, you improve your chances of making the team, and getting an opportunity
to spend your time in the future the way you want to. So you see, decisions about how you spend
your time today effect what opportunities you have for spending your time in
the future.
“So you want us to spend
76 hours a week practicing basketball?”
No. I want you divide it evenly between baseball
and basketball. Just kidding. All I want is for you to realize that there
is a connection between how you spend those 76 hours and what opportunities
will become available to you. How you
spend your 76 hours per week over the next four years is going to determine a
lot, but most people don’t relate their goals, which they regard as decisions,
to the allocation of their time, which they simply roll with day by day.
So, for example, you may
decide on a goal to make the U.S. curling team for the 2018 Winter Olympics. Saying that out loud to your buddies doesn’t
really commit you to anything. If it’s a
decision you truly make, you have to make it every day thereafter leading up to
the Olympic trials in how you allocate your ...
I am sure you can complete the sentence.
Oh, you can’t? Time, you nimrod! It’s about allocating your time.
If you spend your 76
hours per week playing NBA 2k14, don’t expect to get any better at silly
activities like sweeping ice vigorously in front of some smooth stone – that
takes hours of practice sweeping ice vigorously in front of some smooth
stone. The grand decision is to set a
goal to make the team, but this is followed by thousands of little
micro-decisions that are either consistent with that goal, or incompatible with
“But what if we spend 76
hours practicing curling with our buddies?”
Yes, that is a great
idea. You will hopefully make friends
who share the same interests and have similar goals. So if playing high school basketball is a
shared goal, it is a great idea to make practicing together one of the main
ways that you hang out together. So
there is some potential ability to do both.
But if your friends don’t share that interest – it is an “either – or”
decision – either I get better at baseball, or I hang out.
Remember, when you invest
money rather than buy something for consumption, you are giving up something
fun today. Investing involves a
sacrifice with the hope that in exchange for giving up something today, you’ll
get something you want even more tomorrow.
It’s about delayed gratification.
And the thing about it is this – most things you will want in your life
require sacrificing other things in the short-term in order to make the
necessary investment needed to deliver those goals.
“OK, so you want us to
hang out with our friends only if we are all sacrificing something for the
future? 76 hours of pure investment?”
Ahh, here’s the
beauty. You can get by on a lot less
than 76 hours and realize a lot of your goals.
But you can’t get by on zero hours.
Many kids rely on zero hours, and then they are left to wonder why
opportunities don’t come their way later on.
Think about how you spent your free time in just the last week, and then
ask yourself what long-term goal is served by how you spent that time. If you spent it watching TV and playing video
games, the answer is it didn’t serve any long-term goal. So if you are starting at zero – and many
kids are – even just 30 minutes a day dedicated to some goal will lead to a big
“But dad, you know we
have a lot of homework and studying that we have to do for school, so that
kills a lot of hours as well.”
Yeah, you are right. And that, in addition to the hours you spend
in school, is a large investment of time in learning things that will provide
you better opportunities tomorrow. In
the most obvious case, if you never learned to read and write, you would have a
difficult time learning how to do any skilled job, and your income prospects
would be very limited. Let’s pause and
think about that investment for a moment, because you don’t even realize how
much is being invested.
From your perspective,
since you are a free-loading teenager, all you think about is the time
aspect. From first grade through high
school, you will spend about 36 hours per week attending school and doing
homework. So that is a pretty big
sacrifice, but it is not the entirety of the investment, because schools cost
money. We have to pay for teachers and
facilities and for the byzantine bureaucracy (but that’s another story). That costs us roughly $120,000 to get you
from first grade through high school. And
then there is time that your mom and I spend helping you with homework, keeping
you on track, driving you to and from school.
Hopefully, you’ll spend another four years in college, requiring the
same or more hours per week, and costing you, in combination with good old mom
and dad, another $200,000. By that time,
with a high school degree, you are probably also foregoing $100,000 of
potential earnings. In total, that is
$420,000 and 30,000 hours of your time to get you from being a kid carrying a
Sponge Bob lunchbox to a college degree.
“Wow, I never looked at
it in that way before. You oughta be an
economist, dad!”
Yes, I’ve been told I
have a knack for that. So here is the
bottom line – think about how much of your extra time is going to add
to that investment, and in what way.
Because guess what – all of those numbers and hours just puts you on par
with anyone else with a college degree at the end of the day, and the world is
chock full of Starbucks barristas that have a bachelor’s degree. The good news is it’s not chock full of kids
who have a degree in a technical field from a prestigious school. And if you can achieve that, you’ll be on the
right end of that Starbucks counter on your way to a promising job. The bad news is that who falls into that
category will depend in part upon who adds the most to that baseline investment.
“Dad, it seems like you
are flipping between school work and sports, so which is it?”
It’s both, because both
have their place. And both have similar
attributes that help you to develop certain crucial lifelong skills. Both involve setting goals. Both require work to achieve the goals. Both provide important feedback about your
success or lack thereof. Both will
involve setbacks, and learning how to trip without falling is important. Both will also involve the realization that certain
goals are beyond your reach, and you will learn that there is honor in giving
it your all even against the odds, and even if it comes to nothing.
“What if I fail in
reaching a goal?”
I don’t know. That’s never happened to me… Just
kidding. If you are not failing in some
goals, you’re not setting the right goals.
Coach Chris had a great comment one night after your basketball training
– “what they don’t tell you is that you have to fail and fail and fail again in
order to succeed.” He was talking about
basketball, and it certainly applies there. If you are practicing a new move in
isolation, you will not be very adept at first.
You’ll dribble it off your foot, or your footwork will need work,
etc. You have to repeatedly fail until
it becomes easier. And then you get into
a one on one game, with a defender, and you try the move, and you fail again
and repeat until you can do it with some degree of success. And then finally you do it in a real game
situation, where there is helpside defense, etc., and you repeatedly fail until
you don’t. But it applies in other areas
as well. Venture capitalists are people
who lend money to entrepreneurs who are trying to start new businesses, especially
tech businesses. There is a rule among
venture capitalists – never lend money to an entrepreneur who hasn’t already
failed two or three times in trying to launch a business. Venture capitalists understand that a
would-be entrepreneur has to fail before he can succeed.
“Does it make sense ever
to abandon a goal that seems unreachable?”
Wow, that’s a great
question, and the answer is yes. One of
the most useful white lies people tell kids is that they can be anything they
want to be – it is important for kids to believe that, even if it’s not true. Looking at sports as the most obvious
example, practically every athletic kid growing up wants to be a pro athlete,
and probably 1 in 10,000 achieves that goal.
That 1 kid does not make the pros because he is unique in being the only
one who believes that he can, and acts accordingly – it is more likely that he
made it because he is 6’10”. No matter
how much you may believe you can someday play pro basketball, you cannot
believe yourself into growing to be 6’10”, and there are millions of athletic
6’2” guys.
And here we get back to
the limits of your time. Frankly, if
your grades are good, I have no problem with you pursuing a completely
unreachable goal that has no chance of success, because you still learn the
value of hard work. But what you may
find is that other opportunities become available to you that become
comparatively more attractive, and you cannot pursue both at the same
time. I got cut from Freshman basketball
and was devastated. At that point I had
to make a decision – do I try to improve and try out again next year? If I decided that, it would have been wise
for me to quit cross country and track, because those two sports obviously took
a lot of time. But I knew if I stuck
with cross country I’d probably be part of a state championship team
eventually, and all of my friends were on that team. The two goals were incompatible, so I had to
choose one.
To be perfectly honest
with you, in looking back on it I failed to make the basketball team as a
freshman because I wasn’t really committed to that goal. To be more precise, I was afraid of making it
a goal, and then failing. That summer I
could have gone to the public courts and played two hours every night. But I made the “decision” not to. I didn’t sit down one day and say – “I will
not go to the courts this summer to practice” -
but how I used my time was completely consistent with that kind of
statement. Even though I preferred
playing basketball to running, because I was afraid that I might try and still
fail, I effectively decided to not try and see what happened. That way, in the back of my mind, I could
look back and say I could have done it if I had tried.
That is the only kind of
regret you should have in life. You
should never regret trying and failing, but you should always regret not trying
because you feared you would fail. The
world is full of people who say they could have done this or could have done
that followed by some excuse that exonerates (look it up!) them from
responsibility for the fact that they didn’t.
Don’t be the kid who could have made the team if he had practiced during
the summer. All you are telling people
is that you have a talent that you were too lazy or scared to develop. If you try and fail, there is no shame. Your talent is God-given, so it is not to
your credit; what you do with that talent, however, does speak to your
Getting cut from freshman
basketball is really a small thing in retrospect, and to be honest, as a 5’9”
player my upside was limited anyway. But
the same dynamic nearly did me in on a much larger scale when I was working
toward my Ph.D. I had a profound fear of
failure that nearly led me to just not try, so that I would be able to
rationalize my failure by claiming I could have complete the Ph.D. but I just
really wasn’t interested. But one day it
dawned on me that if I was going to fail, and there was a good chance I would,
I didn’t want to have an excuse. I
wanted to be able to say that I gave it my all, but just wasn’t up to the
task. I wanted the reason for failure to
be a lack of God-given intelligence, not a lack of commitment or effort on my
part. That fortunately worked out for
me, and financially it has probably made a big difference. But even if I had failed in that way, I knew
I would never regret the effort, whereas if I had just given up I would always
have a nagging regret.
“How do I know what goals
to set?”
It’s less important that
you set a specific goal than that you set a goal period. At one point in graduate school, I was going
nowhere with my progress toward my Ph.D., and thought constantly of dropping
out. Writing a Ph.D. thesis is not
something you can simply sit down one day and do, and I really had no idea
where to start. So I came up with a goal
that had nothing to do with my Ph.D. – I was going to run a marathon. Now I had something to motivate me to get up
in the morning, and every time I stuck to my training it was a validation of my
ability to stay disciplined. It spills
over into other areas. It is not
surprising that high achievers are high achievers in many areas of their life –
professionally, in their family life, in their community, and maybe even as an
amateur athlete or coach.
“So you don’t know what
goals we should set?”
Of course I have my own
ideas. Let’s start with school. With respect to your education in high
school, your main goal should be do what you have to do to create good
opportunities for yourself when you graduate.
That is, work to be able to get into a good college. It’s pretty simple – take challenging courses
and learn to develop the study habits to do well in them. Getting good grades is not necessarily about
how smart you are. Your habits will
matter a lot. I was a very efficient
studier – I didn’t screw around and I developed the ability to hold my
concentration for an hour at a time without taking a break. In college, I’d see guys heading to the
library to study for a final all day long – eight hours with books spread out
over a table with a few friends – and I’d get as much done as them in 2 or 3
hours of intense study. It’s quality,
not quantity that matters.
Right now I see how you
guys do work – and this is partially a function of your age – you cannot hold
your concentration that long to learn complex things. This is why, for example, when you see your
teacher go through a math problem in class and it seems to make sense, you can
still have difficulty when you get home.
It is one thing to understand the logic as she goes from step to step. It’s another to have the working memory to
whip through the steps and do the simple things in your head rather than
dragging out a problem for twice as long as it should take. It’s just like basketball in that respect –
your speed is going to be slow at first in working through new problems. You have to keep your concentration and try
to work through problems as fast as you can in order to do well on a test,
because a good test is testing not only your comprehension, but your
speed. Writing is similar – I do a lot
of writing, and it requires sustained concentration. If you space out every two minutes and start
thinking about what you’re going to have for dinner, it will take a much a
longer span of time to get anything achieved.
Intelligence is partially
a function of your working memory – and you can do exercises to improve your
working memory just as much as you can improve your muscles.
“How do I keep track and
make sure I am working consistently toward a goal?”
You have to have a plan,
and the plan has to include mini-goals along the way. It is also important that you try to measure
results. There is a saying in business
management – you can’t manage what you can’t measure. You should work to try to convert a “big”
goal into a series of measurable mini goals.
For example, if your goal is to become a better basketball player, you
could have several mini goals that are measurable, such as 1) increase your
vertical jump by 3 inches; 2) increase your foul shooting percentage (gauged by
a weekly test of 20 foul shots); improve your dribbling (again, measured against
some test that you construct).
And here is the
importance of measurement – if things are not improving, this is a sign that
you are not progressing, and at that point you have to step back and think
about why you are not seeing results. It
could be due to fatigue, it could be due to bad technique, it could be due to
lack of directed practice. But you have
to figure it out, especially with respect to errors of technique. If you are not progressing because your
hitting form or shooting form is bad, more practice will just further ingrain bad
technique, and it will be harder for you to change your technique. Coach Chris has said it to you guys – you
have to be a bit of a scientist about your practice; if something isn’t
working, like your shot is consistently short, you have to address potential
reasons why. You may not be at the right
90 degree angle, you may be bending your back, you may need to focus on the
back end of the rim, etc. But you
shouldn’t just continue to take short shots – you need to step back, diagnose,
and correct.
You should have a journal
to record your workouts and your progress.
This helps to keep you motivated as well, because you can see your
measurable progress. Without measurement
and tracking, it is easy to lose sight of your progress, which reduces your
confidence that you can improve by continued practice. If you see how far you’ve come, it makes you
more confident you can make further gains.
“Jeez dad, this is a lot
of very small font pages to read – can we be done now, or is there a quiz?”
No quiz, but you are not
done yet. Your work is actually just
beginning. It is extremely important
that you take the effort to write down some goals. For academics and learning, I want you to set
a goal for your entire high school tenure that covers both grades and SAT
scores. Based on that goal, I want you
to set mini-goals for your freshman year.
With respect to the SAT, I want to buy you guys a practice test book
that you can work through this summer to get a baseline of where you
stand. Based on that, we can set some
mini goals for you to work on through the summer. With respect to sports, I want you to set a
major goal (or goals) for your freshman year only, and then set some mini
goals. Based on your mini-goals, we can
work together on a practice and workout schedule that is consistent with those
mini-goals. It is very important that
you actively drive and motivate this process – if you don’t think it through,
you simply will not have the same level of commitment to it.