seems in the wake of the recent Supreme Court decision gay marriage is a fait
accompli in America. I have friends who
view this decision as unequivocally a triumph of tolerance and love over bigotry
and hate. Although I’ve never really
expressed my views on the topic before, I am sure many of them can guess my
ultimate stance, and to their credit I think for the most part they view it in
my case as a character flaw that is trumped by other positive qualities, and so
they tolerantly overlook it. There is a
real cognitive dissonance in tolerating the views of those opposed while at the
same time viewing all opposition as bigoted and hateful. It is hard to imagine, for example, that these
same people would be as forgiving of me if I were a known racist, and on that
basis opposed to basic civil rights for black Americans. Hard to get passed that one! If you view gay marriage as a civil right,
those who oppose it are equivalent in some sense to the Bull Conners of the
against gay marriage, I clearly do not view my own opposition as fueled by
hate, and so one purpose of this article is to explain such opposition. A second purpose is as a plea to those on
what appears to be the winning side of this issue to practice the general
tolerance they preach in accepting people as they are, specifically to the
broader issue of religious liberty. This
requires tolerance of opinions currently held that proponents of gay marriage
currently view as motivated by hate, which is a tall order indeed. For the second purpose to be accomplished,
the first must be accomplished and well – you need to buy an explanation for
opposition. But I believe the stakes are
high, because I believe religious liberty is currently under great threat in
this country, and that the threat will be trebled in the aftermath of gay
marriage becoming the law of the land.
public debate in this case, as is true for many contentious issues, is
regrettably reduced to bumper sticker slogans that do not capture the subtlety
and complexity of the issue. On the
pro-traditional marriage, people retreat to the “marriage is by definition
between a man and a woman,” and on the pro-gay marriage side we hear gay
marriage is an issue of equal rights.
Both of these arguments miss the mark.
While traditionally marriage has been defined as between a man and a
woman, there is nothing to stop us from changing that definition – some reason
beyond tautology is required to convince people in a democracy not to broaden
the definition. And diminishing the
argument to one of equal rights is also misleading, because we each have an
equal right to marry someone we are capable of having a biological child with,
although we may differ in our inclination toward such relationships. Marriage, historically, has never been viewed
as a right to marry the person one loves; instead, it arose as a way for
parents (and in particular fathers) to commit to each other and their
children. This commitment is the only
broader social benefit stemming from marriage, and therefore it is the only
reason for maintaining and supporting it as an institution. Traditional marriage defined as an
institution for a man and a woman in a sexual relationship is not a discrimination
against same sex intimate relationships, it merely arose as such due to the
unequal nature of such relationships: One yields helpless infants and the other
does not.
homosexual marriage undermine, bolster, or have no effect upon the child-protecting
societal benefits from traditional marriage?
The societal interest rests upon
that question. Certainly nothing
prevents a society redefining marriage to be more expansive. Broadening the definition to encompass
homosexual relationships is one way to broaden the definition. Allowing polygamy is another. Allowing minors to marry adults or each other
is yet another. Each of these changes
may have different and independent effects on the child protection inherent to
traditional marriage, so that it is possible to still support gay marriage, but
to oppose polygamy and the marriage of a 13 year old to a 22 year old.
allowing homosexual marriage weakens traditional marriage, there is a cost to
society that may merit leaving marriage unchanged. Conversely, if homosexual marriage
strengthens traditional marriage or leaves it otherwise unaffected, there is a
benefit to society that may merit changing the definition. While the bigot may, in a knee-jerk fashion,
decide that broadening the definition will undermine the child-centered purpose
of traditional marriage, the likelihood is such bigots will not go to the
trouble. But surely someone who is not
bigoted can come to the same opinion as the bigot based solely on the question
of the effects of homosexual marriage on traditional marriage, without any
animus toward homosexuals, and on that basis oppose broadening the
How Did Marriage Arise?
of what follows is me speculating an anthropology of the institution of
marriage that has most likely already been proved or disproved in whole or in
part by people who actually do research rather than simply spouting off about
what they think was true in the past, so take it for what it is. However, whether what I describe is factually
accurate or true to your own experience or not, the argument still has merits
that I think everyone can understand.
as an institution exists in all societies, pagan and religious, and predates
both the rise of organized religion as well as the modern state. Every religion has its opinions on marriage
as a special relationship that has specific duties beyond the general golden
rule (in Christianity, love one another as I (Jesus) have loved you), because
such duties arise naturally from the consequence of sex between a man and a
woman – children. Readers familiar with
this blog can make the general economic observation that children can be viewed
as a negative externality from the private choice to have sex – that is, there
is a large cost in the rearing of a kid who arises from that initial gleam in
his father’s eye. The cost of sex has to
be borne by someone, and if it is borne by someone other than the parents, we
have a situation in which those who experience the purely fun part of sex do
not internalize the cost of having it.
What you get as a result is way too much sex. Someone has to raise the little barbarians,
and it seems natural to stick that responsibility on those who had the fun to
begin with. Marriage is about imposing
the duty of child-rearing on the parents.
the prior paragraph makes it seem that both Adam and Eve, if unconstrained by
societal pressure to wed, would simply make the beast with two backs (that’s
Shakespeare) as much as possible and leave the offspring to fend for
themselves. But of course the reality is
that Eve will pay the price via nine months of pregnancy and the very real
prospect of death during childbirth; and, even after the birth, she will have a
natural strong affinity toward the little barbarian that she has birthed,
enough so that she won’t merely walk away from it in pursuit of getting her
freak on.
marriage really isn’t about getting the woman to buy-in to her duties to
children – it’s about getting the guy to buy-in. The guy doesn’t have the same natural
biological commitment – he doesn’t carry the kid through development in the
womb – and in general has less of a natural affinity to the kid after the
birth. You don’t see guys rushing to
hold other people’s babies. If society
were in general polyamorous, the first reaction of any guy being told that his
sexual partner were pregnant would be to ask for a paternity test. Adam probably did the same even though there
were no other candidates in the Garden of Eden other than the snake. The Ten Commandments admonish coveting
another man’s wife, not another woman’s husband; although I think the
commandment generally applies in both directions, the bigger threat was the man
being less conflicted about abandoning his own familial responsibilities in
pursuit of some “strange,” as the kids these days say. So the Jewish religion put the onus on the
guy (in contrast to the Moslem religion, which views rape as the adultery of
the woman, punishable by death, but I digress).
We have
this general situation, faced equally by primitive tribes and developed
civilizations – women are stuck with kids, and men are not. In many species, this is no big deal, but the
rearing of a human child is so all-encompassing that the resources of the
mother are in general inadequate for the purpose, and there needs to be some
way to lock-in dad to the process.
Historically, marriage has fit that bill.
view of marriage – as a human institution that arose for the protection of
children – is very much out of vogue, and I am not sure it was ever understood
as such. Perhaps no one has ever entered
marriage with the primary reason being the abstract social desire for
responsible rearing of children. (There
may be a little bit of Tom Sawyer painting the fence with marriage – just as
Tom pretends there is nothing more fun than painting the fence so that his
friends are suckered into doing it for him, society pretends the marriage
relationship is this great thing so that it gets off the hook raising kids, and
can go fishing.) Nevertheless,
historically any woman clearly had an interest in some viable form of
commitment from any prospective mate, as her own economic prospects would be
very dim if no commitment was forthcoming.
So there was a private motive on the part of women for something like
marriage. But the private motive in
combination with a simple plea from Eve to Adam for sticking it out, absent
some additional societal expectation for Adam to stand by his woman, is often
insufficient. There are many men whose
natural affections for Eve and Cain and Abel are enough to assure commitment,
making marriage superfluous for the purpose of the protection of women and
children. But there are also many who
could care less, and lacking some form of commitment in advance of fatherhood,
will prefer to get the milk without buying the proverbial cow.
the institution of the dowry – property granted from the family of the bride to
the groom – probably arose due to the observation that men are not always
willing to commit, and need some positive inducement for doing so. And the dowry still persists even in America
in the form of the bride’s parents often paying for the wedding reception. In cases where a guy has managed to get the
milk without the cow, negative incentives have also been in play - the
“shotgun” wedding has always been a very real phenomenon in most cultures,
although it is disappearing rapidly in many parts of the West due to the
combination of changing sexual mores and government welfare programs.
Is the Purpose of Marriage the Validation
of Fine Feelings?
fact that weddings are usually celebrated in grand fashion is not primarily due
to the abstract judgment that such relationships are inherently to be
celebrated, although there is certainly reason to celebrate the willingness of
two people to commit to the marriage vows, which within the Christian church at
least require unconditional love (for richer or poorer, in sickness and in
health, etc.). There are many fine
non-parental relationships that involve no sexual dimension – siblings,
cousins, and even unrelated friends – these can even involve co-habitation, and
the same admirable dedication and commitment to each other’s well-being. But once you take away the sexual aspect of
the relationship, and in particular a sexual aspect that can give rise to
children, we don’t feel the need to validate such relationships with ceremony
and celebration. Either the private
motives and incentives between two
friends are enough to fuel the relationship, or they are not – either way,
there is no broader consequence from any falling out between two best
buds. No kid is left with feelings of
abandonment if Hall and Oates decide to go their own way musically. And because no kid is affected, there is no
broader cost to society.
if we think about a committed non-sexual relationship, in many ways such
relationships are more admirable than ones that involve sex, as clearly most
people view sex as a benefit. Taking sex
out of the equation removes one aspect of a relationship that may have the
propensity for making the relationship more akin to an economic transaction,
where each party is concerned primarily with what he or she gets from the
relationship, as opposed to what he or she contributes. Whatever we can say about these
relationships, we know for a fact that the altruistic commitment shown is not
driven in any way by a selfish desire for sex; in a marriage, the altruism may
at its heart be a mask for self-interest.
are many fine non-sexual relationships, which by definition cannot give rise to
children – and there has never been a society that has felt the need to
validate such relationships with some form of commitment and or celebration. And yet, all such societies have done so with
respect to sexual relationships that can give rise to children. Not one of these societies has ever stopped
to ask themselves whether or not this disparity is not unfair to the brother and
sister who voluntarily look after each other until death do they part. That is, not one society has looked at
marriage and thought that its exclusivity denied equality to other people who
were engaged in other types of admirable relationships. Why not?
Because such societies were aware from the start that a relationship
that could lead to the production of a little barbarian was clearly different from
any relationship that could never in a million years yield a little barbarian.
no ceremony for Bert and Ernie was not due to any thought that Bert and Ernie,
as individuals, were not equal to Adam and Eve; the difference in treatment was
due to the fact that their relationship was unequal to that between Adam and
Eve. The lack of equality between the
relationships has nothing to do with any difference in the admirability of the
respective commitments to each other, but instead has to do with a simple
biological fact: Adam and Eve beget Cain and Abel, while Bert and Ernie do
not. Perhaps Bert and Ernie are more
altruistic in their commitments to each other than Adam and Eve – but no one
really cares! Even if Adam and Eve are
at each other’s throats, once Cain comes along, we want them to know that we
view them as responsible together for bringing him up. The institution of marriage, rather that
originating and being primarily motivated as a big disinterested pat on the
back from society to two people who plan to copulate, is rather a very
interested placing of a weight on their shoulders to stay together precisely
because they plan to copulate.
Divorce Law Recognizes Protection of
Women and Children Even with Dissolution of Marriage
the ease of divorce, is marriage really a pushing together from society? In the case of heterosexual marriage, the
duty element has been reduced over time with the relaxation of divorce law, so
that at least from the standpoint of the state, whether you stay together or
not is largely a matter of indifference.
But even with divorce, if there are children from the relationship,
there is an expectation of financial commitment from both parents to the
childrearing, as well as a recognition that in many cases the mother (or, less
typically, the father) has sacrificed her own economic prospects in dedicating
herself to the well-being of the child, and is therefore due alimony. Traditionally, raising a child demanded some
division of labor – usually one person committed to the domestic, non-paying
sphere, and the other committed to providing services in the market. Upon divorce, the labor requirement for
raising a kid doesn’t disappear, and even if or when it did, the economic
prospects of a mother who has removed herself in whole or in part from the
labor market for a long stretch of time are dimmer than they would otherwise be
if not for the marriage. Alimony
recognizes this disparity, and tries to rectify it. So divorce law is about enforcing the
economic duties of parenthood on parents, whether or not they choose to stay
whether or not the state allows an easy out, most of society views divorce as
regrettable, and in part as a failure.
The Catholic Church (and others perhaps as well) views divorce very
dimly, with remarriage being considered essentially adultery, unless you are
granted an annulment (not a problem if you are a rich Boston politician), their
more strict version of divorce. Divorce,
while in many cases understandable, is always an occasion for sadness. How many of us have been to the wedding of a
now divorced couple, and not been puzzled by how the relationship could descend
from the joy we recall of that day to mutual contempt or indifference? And what do people always say when they hear
of an impending divorce? Either they
lament the situation of the kids, or they console themselves that at least there
are no children. Society’s interest in
marriage is an interest in the well-being of children.
So What, We Can Define Marriage As We
See Fit
arose as an institution to protect women and children, and to put the onus of
the cost of raising children on the mother and the father. Only a sexual relationship between a man and
a woman has the potential spillover effect to society of producing children,
and therein lies society’s interest in marriage.
what if marriage arose for that purpose?
If many in society now view the primary purpose of marriage as a
validation of fine feelings within a relationship that involves sexual
activity, shouldn’t we recognize that excluding certain types of sexual
relationships is discriminatory, and on that basis allow gay marriage? Even if many now view marriage as a
validation rather than as a means for the protection of children, not all have
made this switch in perspective, and those who still regard its purpose as
child protection are entitled to press that view in public policy. Admittedly, marriage is already in a sorry
state, so, as the popular formulation goes, how can two homosexuals getting
married possible hurt two heterosexuals getting married? Here is how: to the extent that the legal
institutions of marriage are biased toward the view that marriage is about the
mutual feelings of two persons within a fickle populace, as soon as one of
those two people feels a waning of such feelings (and most will feel this at
some point in a marriage), under the new logic of marriage, its splitsville.
liberalization of divorce law, with the introduction of “no fault” divorces,
has already gone a long way toward undermining marriage as a child-centered
institution in the same way. “I am not
happy, and therefore if I have an affair that leads to divorce, how can I
possibly be blamed for pursuing my own happiness?” The corollary is the lack of social pressure for
marriage brought to bear on the unwed parents (and in particular the father) of
a newborn. Here, your primary duty is to
your own happiness, which is really the antithesis of duty, and this always
trumps the duty to your children.
Marriage is intended as a commitment; no commitment is necessary if we
are of the belief that as soon as one or both parties to it find it too
constraining, it is best to break it.
Rather, we want the view of marriage to be such that people feel the
responsibility to endure turbulent periods.
There is only one social reason we want this to be the case – for the
sake of kids. The two views of marriage
– one as duty and commitment, and the other for personal happiness – are
incompatible. Whichever view you choose
necessarily subordinates the other perspective as unimportant. Gay marriage brings us a step closer to the
personal happiness camp. This, in my
view, is a bad effect, and bad enough to oppose gay marriage on that basis. I am sure it is asking too much for a gay
person to see this view as not in the least discriminatory, but it is as simple
as this – there is one purpose to marriage, and that purpose is undermined by
gay marriage.
Democratic Tolerance
may disagree. Some may be of the opinion
that the train has already left the station – i.e. you cannot turn back the
clock and make marriage a duty; it is now and will forever be primarily about
individual happiness, and opposing gay marriage is tilting at windmills. Others may believe that the cultural
expectations for the duties of married persons can differ according to whether
children are in the mix, so that duty trumps personal happiness if and only if
Junior comes along, and therefore gay marriage can be legalized without
affecting the ability for society to protect children with straight
marriage. Still others may agree that
there is something to the belief that gay marriage further undermines marriage
as duty, and bolsters marriage as happiness, but believe that this negative
effect is small (with most of the damage having been suffered without gay
marriage), and sufficiently countered by the positive effects of validating
committed homosexual relationships (and I do believe there are positive
have no problem with disagreements over these questions. I would gladly lose this battle in a
democratic process rather than give up the democratic process. But I do take exception to the narrowing of
the debate insisted upon by those bent on painting those opposed to gay
marriage as bigots. I do not deny that
there is anti-gay bigotry. I do not deny
that such bigotry may lead to opposition to gay marriage, but it does not
follow that opposition to gay marriage is fueled always and everywhere by
bigotry. Equating opposition to bigotry
is a hateful insult intended to stop debate rather than influence it.
I do
not think the proponents of gay marriage are out to hurt children, although I
do believe that may be an unintended consequence of their efforts. Likewise, I would expect those on the
opposite side of this debate to recognize that the opposition is not out to
hurt gays, even if they believe that may be an unintended consequence. People on both sides of this debate will
differ both with respect to their views of the broader social consequences of
legalizing gay marriage, and with respect to their motivations, but respectful
debate requires taking people’s concerns and views at face value and ignoring
potential motivations, rather than dismissing such views and assuming you know
the opposition’s motivation. I am six pages
into this article trying to refute the bumper sticker logic of “opposition
equals bigotry,” and I am guessing that a good percentage of the people in
favor of gay marriage came to that opinion of me by the second paragraph, and
stopped reading then and there, perhaps a little or a lot disappointed in me,
but secure at least in thinking that they are my moral superior. This is a nasty little habit that the current
President is particular good at – treating most any issue as pitting the
enlightened view versus the troglodytic view – and refusing to acknowledge any
legitimate concerns in the opposing position.
It is a disservice to democratic citizenship, and it is the primary
reason for the divisive partisan hatred that abides.
Religious Freedom
discussion of democratic tolerance leads right into the important topic of
religious freedom. The lack of
democratic tolerance can lead immediately to the restriction of religious
freedom and with it freedom of speech and conscience. As a Catholic who has witnessed the current
administration of the healthcare law take a form that requires the Church and
its related employing entities (hospitals, schools, old folks homes) to provide
insurance coverage for things the Church considers a grave moral sin, I think
it is fair to say that I am not being paranoid here. How long is it from the legalization of gay
marriage to the banning of speech critical of the gay lifestyle? (And, by the way, the Church always makes
this distinction – the homosexual orientation is not of someone’s choosing, but
the lifestyle is – it is the former that it considers a sin, not the
who cannot get beyond the view that all opposition is fueled by anti-gay
bigotry, largely because they prefer the easy moral superiority afforded by not
reading beyond the second paragraph, very naturally see a trade-off between
freedom of speech and religion and tolerance of the gay lifestyle. To them, there is clearly a downside to such
freedoms in that their exercise by some is viewed as hurtful to others. This concern for the offense that could be
taken by the subjects of some criticism has already led to a great deal of
restriction of speech abroad, especially with respect to criticisms of Islam
(google Mark Steyn and Canadian Civil Right Commission, and you will be shocked
to see how close such absurd censorship is to our border). The American universities have long ago
voluntarily squelched free speech, and have encouraged the lack of tolerance
for freedom of speech by allowing students, in those rare cases where a
conservative speaker is brought on campus, to shout them down without
respect to the Church, there is a belief system in a benevolent God who calls
us to love Him, and to show this love by walking in His way, which, while not
always clear, is nevertheless knowledge that is available to us through reason
and revelation. Sin, a turning away from
God, jeopardizes our ability to be joined with God in heaven. The greatest commandment is to love God above
all things, but this is quickly followed by loving your neighbor as
yourself. If you love God, you want to
be with Him in heaven and no longer be estranged from Him on earth; and if you
love your neighbor, you want the same for him, and indeed are called by God to
look after your neighbor in this way.
Heaven is not a lifeboat that fits 20 people, where you are scrambling
to get in before it fills up – part of how you get in is by pulling others
there with you.
you may be of the belief that this is all hooey or hocus pocus. Fine and good, that is your right. But what is the person who subscribes to
these beliefs supposed to do? If you
tell him he can never be critical of the gay lifestyle, you are telling him he
can never try to help a gay brother onto the lifeboat lest he give
offense. That is a command he simply
cannot abide. I am not suggesting, and
never would, that it become the law of the land that gay sex be illegal or
otherwise punishable, or that incitements to violence against gays be permitted. But telling something to someone that they
don’t want to hear should never be a problem.
My eight year old, when told he cannot have this or that piece of candy,
always responds with the accusation that I am mean. So be it, he is permitted to have that
opinion, but it is my responsibility as his father to see that he is not
tripped out all day on a sugar high. A
Christian has that same type of responsibility, even though he knows some will
think the lesser of him for making such opinions known.
Catholic Church, by the way, does not in any way single out gay sex as
particularly sinful – it is considered no more sinful than marital heterosexual
sex that is closed to children via contraception. This places a very high standard on all persons,
gay or straight. Most of the world, and
indeed most of the Catholics, fall short of this standard, a fact the Church
well knows. But the Church doesn’t exist
as a business to win popularity, and people everywhere are free to take or
leave it. If I am offended by the
Church’s stance against contraception, I nevertheless feel no compunction to
shut them up about it already – I don’t have to hear about it if I choose not